High Fidelity Wraparound:


Wraparound Facilitator


The role of a Wraparound facilitator is to ensure that the Wraparound process is carried out with high fidelity, through the four phases, and by using the ten principles. The facilitator will facilitate meetings to help the team identify needs, and brainstorm ways to meet those needs. The facilitator will ensure meetings contain no blame or shame, and that the family's voice is always heard. The Wraparound facilitator will accompany the youth and family to each court date, providing the court with an update on where the family is in the Wraparound process and progress towards goals.

During the initial Wraparound phase the facilitator will complete a Strengths, Needs and Cultural Discovery. This document will be revised and edited by the family and then distributed to team members and the court. This document is individualized and is a way for the family to present their family accurately to others. During phase two of the process the facilitator will support the family with building a team of people who will attend meetings and can support the family with their goals. Goals will also be established during phase two. During phase three of the process, action steps and ongoing meetings will be set in an effort to complete goals of the team. As goals are completed, the facilitator will celebrate those successes amongst the family and team. During the final phase of Wraparound, the facilitator will support the family with transitions out of the formal Wraparound process and on with their own individualized Wraparound process once the facilitator is no longer involved.

Wraparound Coach

Mission Possible has one Wraparound coach who has met the credentialing process recognized by Vroon-VaDenBerg's High Fidelity Wraparound's National Initiative. The coach meets regularly with all Wraparound facilitators to provide supervision and ensure that Mission Possible's Wraparound program is being practiced true to the high fidelity model. Mission Possible utilizes credentialing processes for all Wraparound facilitators and Family Support Partners. The Wraparound coach is responsible for making sure these credentials are successfully met by staff. The Wraparound coach accompanies Wraparound facilitators and Family Support Partners to meetings with families, to give feedback on real life interactions between families and staff. The Wraparound coaching position supports Mission Possible's efforts to maintain the best services possible to youth and families through evidence based practice.