Juvenile Detention Screening


Mission Possible provides screening services for the 4th and 11th Judicial Districts. The purpose of juvenile detention screening is to screen all youth who are being considered for placement in secure detention. Screeners provide services twenty-four hours a day/seven days a week and will screen approximately one hundred and twenty five youth per month. Mission Possible has twelve juvenile screeners that complete the Juvenile Detention Screening and Assessment Guide (JDSAG) to determine what placement will occur as a result of a youth receiving new charges, have an active warrant, are remanded, or have been given a sentence by the court.


When completing the JDSAG, the screener will go through a series of questions with the youth, law enforcement and any other parties who may be present. Once a placement level is determined, the screener relays that information to law enforcement and all necessary parties. Placement levels may include returning the youth home to a parent/guardian with no services, returning the youth home with in-home detention services (tracking/electric home monitor), placement at a shelter or unlocked facility, or admittance to a juvenile detention facility. The available placement levels vary from the 4th and 11th Judicial Districts. Once a screen is completed, Mission Possible is available to continue providing support to youth and families through various other programs, services and referrals.